Qatar ranked as the world’s 3rd safest country for 2024:

A report by Numbeo Qatar ranked as the world’s 3rd safest country for 2024: with a Safety Index of 84.0.

Qatar ranked as world's 3rd safest country for 2024: Numbeo

Numbeo is a database of user-contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. It provides individuals and businesses with accurate and up-to-date information about the cost of living, quality of life, and various socio-economic factors in these cities and countries.

Countries like Andorra and the United Arab Emirates rank above Qatar in 1 and 2 positions, respectively.

The top 10 safest countries in the world for 2024, as per Numbeo are:

2United Arab Emirates84.4
6Isle of Man79.5
7Hong Kong (China)78.2

According to Numbeo, it is considered very safe if the city has a high safety index.

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Brilliant Minds Events
BM Events is owned and operated by an experienced team of German professionals with various backgrounds in management, events and hospitality. By combining efforts, the BM Events consolidates organizational and efficient processes, in order to pay special attention to the client’s needs, requirements and schedules.

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